SAFER™ Goals Group Coaching Program

6 Weeks to

SAFER™ Goals

Learn to set and reach your goals in a way that enhances safety, self-compassion, and embodied attunement.

Current POV

Having goals doesn’t have to be this grueling.

Skeleton surrounded by Post-it notes, one of which says "Goal burnout"
Crossing the finish line of a marathon

Nicole M. Roccas, PhD
Certified trauma-informed coach

6 Weeks to SAFER™ Goals is here to help you…

  • Disrupt unhelpful patterns of perfectionism, rigidity, and burnout around our goals by identifying ways conventional goal-setting strategies might be reinforcing maladaptive coping mechanisms, dysregulation, and trauma/stress responses.
  • Acquire both practical tools and reflective practices to help you move toward your goals in a safe, whole-person way through the SAFER™ Goals Framework.
  • Safely reconnect with your purpose, ambition, and potential in a way that supports rather than supplants wholeness and self-compassion.
  • Experience the power of community as you connect with like-minded individuals on a shared journey of self-discovery and transformation, finding support, inspiration, and camaraderie along the way.

How will 6 Weeks to SAFER™ Goals unfold?

Week 1: Introduction

We’ll get familiar with each other and the course materials + forum. We’ll also identify one goal or intention we want to work with during the program.

Week 2: “S” for “Safe” Goals

This week, we’ll learn about what safety consists of and feels like in our bodies, why it’s crucial to setting manageable and life-giving goals, and practice building greater safety into the goal we’ve chosen. We’ll learn why everyone needs safety to thrive – why safety isn’t a crutch for “weak” people, but a practice we can deepen over the course of our lives to create the space and gentleness we need for personal growth.

Week 3: “A” for “Attuned” Goals

This week, we’ll build on what we’ve learned so far and explore the role of attunement and self-attunement with regard to goals. We’ll learn what goals look like when they are or aren’t attuned to our inner states, and we’ll practice building greater self-attunement into the way we set and move towards our goals.

Week 4: “F” for “Free” Goals

This week, we’ll delve into freedom – what it is from a trauma-informed perspective and why it is vital to the way we work towards goals and intentions in our lives. We’ll examine our personal relationship with freedom, and learn ways to bring greater freedom into our goal-setting journey.

Week 5: “E” for “Embodied” Goals

We’ll explore the important connection between embodiment and our goals. Safe embodiment can help us stay rooted in the reality of our fluctuating strengths and needs as we work towards our goals, even ones that may not seem very physical/bodily in nature.

Week 6: “R” for “Responsive” Goals + Wrap-up

Finally, we’ll learn about what it means to be responsive in our goal-setting journey. To wrap up the program, we will revisit the way we formulated our goal in Week 1 and apply what we’ve learned. We will also identify SAFER rhythms of support so we can continue to move towards our goals after the program ends.

Program information

What’s included in enrollment:

  • Enrollment in the 6 Weeks to SAFER™Goals Foundations Program (June 25 – July 30) and all course components and materials:
    • Weekly group sessions
    • Access to session recordings for the duration of the program
    • Access to moderated community forum
  • A downloadable copy of the SAFER Goals workbook
  • Access to the moderated SAFER Together Community for two additional months (until September 25, 2024) for ongoing community support, resources, and guidance as you continue your SAFER journey
  • Opportunity to remain part of the SAFER Together Community at an exclusive founder’s rate

When is it?

How much is it?


This is the first time I’m offering this specific program, but here’s what others have said about the SAFER Goals webinar and previous group coaching programs I’ve facilitated!

The clarity I needed

“I struggle with trusting myself when it comes to my goals. I feel I must stick to my pre-determined plan, even if that’s more than my capacity. This framework gave me clarity I needed to trust my abilities and limits, and trust myself to meet my goals in a responsive way.”

Attendee of the SAFER™ Goals webinar (May 2024)

Not feeling like a failure again

“You distill a real explanation on how to be with our bodies on the body’s terms, not some arbitrary timeframe that might not work on the majority of people anyway, so not leaving one feeling like a failure again and again…”

Attendee of the SAFER™ Goals webinar (May 2024)

One of the best experiences I’ve ever had

Nicole, thank you again for all the work you did–the workbook, group facilitation, engagement with group members… This is one of the best experiences I have had.

Group coaching participant (Spring 2023)

A fundamental piece of the motivation puzzle

“So many of the ‘goal-setting’ methodologies require actively ignoring my body or denying needs such as food or rest, and ‘pushing through’ pain and other physical demands. The embodied component of the SAFER framework keeps me from making that a fundamental piece of my motivation puzzle.”

Attendee of the SAFER™ Goals webinar (May 2024)

I wish I’d found out sooner

I’ve been blessed to be introduced to your work and only wish I’d found out about your group programs sooner. What you do is so important and so needed in our church communities. I look forward to participating in future programs!

Group coaching participant (Spring 2023)

So well done

“This was so well done; I will continue recommending your work to others. I especially hope clergy will seek out your expertise.”

Group coaching participant (Fall 2022)

Ready to reconnect with your goals in a safer way?

Enrollment begins on June 10, 2024!

Use code EARLY2024 at checkout for an earlybird discount when registering on or before June 17, 2024!